
Monday, 14 February 2011

Persuasive Writing Research Task 14/2/11

For today's computer lab lesson, everyone should choose one of the following topics to research for a future persuasive text related to our Inquiry Topic:

  • Planning for Wellbeing 
  • Nutritious Meals  
  • Managing Stress 
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Getting along well with others 
  • Positive Self-Image
  • Being Successful in Life

Remember, a persuasive text presents a point of view with supportive evidence, and is often used to influence opinion or sell something

You will need to search for evidence that supports your topic/argument and save it to a Microsoft Word document. At the end of the lesson, print out your Word document, as you will need to use the research later in the week during our writing lessons.  

Mr Tan


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